GSIS Portability Law Requirements in Filing Retirement Benefit Claim

Guide on GSIS Portability Law Requirements for Claim

GSIS PORTABILITY LAW REQUIREMENTS – Here are the documents needed in filing a claim for this type of Retirement program.

Countless Filipinos are members of the Government Service Insurance System who managed to maintain active and updated memberships for several years now. They are qualified to the loans and benefits offered by the state-run social insurance giant.

Photo Credit: Real Estate News Philippines

One of the benefit offers of the Government Service Insurance System is the Retirement Benefit. Undeniably, it is the benefit that members of the state-insurance agency look forward to the most. It is an assurance that you have something to turn to for monetary allowance when old age comes and you no longer work.

Under the GSIS Retirement Benefit, there are several retirement programs and they come with different eligibility requirements and benefits for the retirees. These include the GSIS “Take All” Benefit, the GSIS Retirement Benefits under R.A. 660 Magic 87, and the benefits under the Portability Law.

GSIS Portability Law Requirements
Photo Credit: QDRO Attorney

The Republic Act 7699 or more popularly called the Portability Law provides for the total of the period of creditable service or contributions under the GSIS and the computation of benefits. The amount shall be proportionate to the services rendered or the periods of contributions made to the state-run social insurance giant including those paid by your employer.

The has its own set of targets or qualifications. Here are the GSIS Portability Benefit requirements in terms of eligibility:

  • not entitled for the pension benefit from either or both the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) or the Social Security System (SSS) because of failure to meet the requirement period of service or number of contributions
  • has less than 120 months of SS contributions or less than 180 months of creditable government service (GSIS) at the time of retirement

To apply for this type of retirement program, here are the GSIS Portability Law requirements:

  • duly-accomplished application form for Retirement benefit under RA 7669
  • Certification of GSIS premium contributions indicating number and inclusive months of contributions signed by authorized GSIS Officer
  • Service Record with Leave without Pay (LWOP) certification (indicating specific time and dates of LWOP)
  • Declaration of Pendency/ Non-Pendency of Case (DPNPC) form (date administered/ notarized should be on or after receipt of notification from GSIS

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