SSS Death Benefit 2023 — How To File Claim & the Requirements You Must Prepare

Guide on How To Claim SSS Death Benefit 2023 Offer for Members

SSS DEATH BENEFIT 2023 – Here is a guide on how to file a claim for the Social Security System benefit offer for members.

In the Philippines, millions of people are members of the Social Security System. More popularly called SSS, the member populace is mostly composed of locally-employed and self-employed individuals. Meanwhile, there are also voluntary members as well as overseas Filipino workers (OFWs).

Social Security System (SSS)
Photo Credit: Inquirer

The SSS members submit a monthly contribution to maintain an active and updated account to the social insurance institution. The rate is based on the SSS Contribution Table 2023.

SSS members who have active and updated accounts may qualify to the SSS loans as well as the benefits offered by the state-run social insurance institution. The benefits may not only be for the advantage of the member but as well as his/her family.

SSS Death Benefit 2023
Photo Credit:

One of the SSS benefits that may not only be for advantage of the member but as well as his/her family is the Death Benefit. On the part of the member, it is an assurance that his/her family will not be left with nothing in case of his/her death.

On the case of the family members, it is something they can turn to during grieving and financially-challenging times most especially when the deceased SSS member is the family’s breadwinner. It can be claimed by a primary beneficiary of the deceased SSS member:

  • dependent spouse until he/she remarries
  • dependent legitimate, legitimated, and illegitimate children who are 20 years old and below, not employed, and single

The Social Security System grants either a monthly pension or a lump sum to qualified beneficiaries of the deceased SSS member. Here is a guide on how to file a claim for the SSS Death Benefit 2023:

Step 1 — Check the Eligibility Requirements.

For his/her family to qualify for the benefit offer of the Social Security System, the deceased member must have paid a total of at least 36 monthly contributions prior to the semester of death.

Step 2 — Prepare the Documentary Requirements.

In filing a claim for the SSS Death Benefit 2023, the primary beneficiary of the deceased member of the Social Security System must submit the requirements for SSS Death Benefit offer.

There is a long list of the documents that may possibly be requested by the state-run social insurance institution but it depends to the government institution on which is applicable on a case to case basis.

Step 3 — Go to SSS.

Visit a branch of the Social Security System nearest to you. Submit the requirements. Make sure you submitted all the needed documents.

Step 4 — Wait for the Release of your Money.

Wait for an update from the SSS regarding the filing of the SSS claim. The money will be released based on the disbursement method agreed on.

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