FOODS DOG CAN NOT EAT – You can check this important reminder for furparents on which food dogs should not eat.
Are you a new dog owner? Whether you are or not, it is best to always have in mind the foods dog can not eat. There are many delicious foods that are healthy for humans but should not be given to our furbabies.
What Foods Can Dogs Not Eat — Here’s A Guide for Pet Owners
Details about What Foods Can Dogs Not Eat To Prevent Risks
WHAT FOODS CAN DOGS NOT EAT – Here is a guide for pet owners on the foods that are not safe and healthy for dogs.
There are countless dog lovers across the globe. Many people admire and love the loyalty, affection, and protection that dogs offer to their “hoomans”. Thus, most households have at least one (1) dog. A lot of families say that it is never a home without a dog.

Responsible fur-parenting includes a lot of things — ensuring your dog’s healthy diet, regular veterinary check-up, regular bathe, how to ease dog’s stress during New Year’s eve, and a lot more. Also, it includes awareness of the things, experiences, and foods that are good and bad for your furbaby.
There are a lot of foods that are healthy and safe for humans but they are not good for dogs. As fur parents, it is best to check on what foods can dogs not eat and you can check on them below.

Undeniably, avocado is one of the most delicious fruits. However, while it may be good and tasty for humans, its persin content is not good for dogs. It can be toxic to your pets and can trigger vomiting and diarrhea. It can also result to the accumulation of fluids in the dog’s lungs and chest triggering breathing difficulties.
Apple, Apricot, Cherry, & Plum Seeds/Pits
The seeds and pits of fruits are not safe for dogs as they may contain cyanide and affect the way the red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells. Furthermore, seed consumption can trigger seizure, vomiting, and irregular heartbreats.
Broccoli may be one of the healthiest food for humans but it is not safe to be given to dogs most especially in large amounts. It may contain isothiocyanates that are toxic for dogs. It may also get stuck in the throat of small breeds.
Chocolate is a favorite of many people. However, regardless of how those puppy eyes charm you, never give your dogs chocolate. It can lead to vomiting, abnormal heartbeats, hyperactivity, diarrhea, seizure, and pancreatitis.
Onions, Garlic, Chives & Leeks
What foods can dogs not eat? The list includes anything that has onions, chives, garlic, and leeks. While they may add flavors to the dog, their sulfoxides and disulfides content are toxic for dogs. They can cause damage to your dog’s red blood cells and result to anemia.
Raw Tomatoes & Potatoes
Pets Best also cited that it is unhealthy to give raw tomatoes and potatoes to your dogs. Their solanine content is toxic for dogs and can trigger heart problems. Meanwhile, based on the article, you can give your pets ripe tomatoes and boiled potatoes.
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