Car Accident: 7 Steps To Follow After A Car Collision

Here’s What You Should Do After a Car Accident

CAR ACCIDENT – Here’s a step-by-step guide on what you should do after a car accident.

Car accidents, though inevitable, have seen an increase in risky driving behaviors, such as a 45% rise in phone usage while driving, along with speeding, abrupt braking, and even conducting online meetings behind the wheel. In light of these circumstances, it’s important to understand the necessary steps to take following a car accident.

Preparation is key as it safeguards your ability to file a car insurance claim against an at-fault driver and preserves your reputation if you’re wrongly accused of the collision. The following are the steps you should follow after a car accident, including how to handle emergency situations, injuries, interactions with other drivers, and dealing with insurance companies.

Photo Source: SBS

1. Pull over and stay at the scene

  • Safely move your vehicle to a well-lit public location, making yourself and the other driver visible to other road users. This is a crucial initial step.
  • If you suspect a staged collision or are hit from behind, pull over.
  • If your vehicle obstructs traffic, move it to a safe spot.
  • Keep calm and use hazard lights to warn other drivers.
  • Never leave the scene of the accident.

2. Ensure your passengers are safe and sound

  •  Once you’ve relocated your vehicle, check for injuries among yourself and your passengers.
  •  If anyone is injured, immediately call the cops or an ambulance.
  •  Provide detailed location information to the dispatcher.
  •  Wait until instructed to hang up.

3. Contact Law Enforcement

  • Get in touch with local law enforcement.
  • Familiarize yourself with emergency numbers and reporting procedures in your state.
  • Be patient as response times can vary, especially for non-injury accidents.
  • If officers can’t respond, visit the nearest police station to file a report within the allowable timeframe, which varies by state.

4. Be careful when talking to other drivers

  • Assess whether it’s safe to converse with the other driver, ideally without police intervention.
  • Exercise extra caution if road rage may have been a factor in the accident.
  •  While it’s acceptable to exchange information while waiting for the police, refrain from making admissions or apologizing, even if you suspect fault.
  • Avoid blaming the other driver or accepting blame from them or witnesses on the spot.

When you find yourself at the scene of an accident, it’s advisable to avoid engaging in debates about fault, as the determination of responsibility lies with the insurance companies. It’s best to refrain from discussing potential injuries as well.

Photo Source: IMPACT LAW

5. Do not make any handshake deals

Even if the other driver offers a substantial payment or claims to lack auto insurance, resist the temptation to make any informal arrangements with them, such as accepting cash in lieu of filing an insurance claim. Such impromptu deals, often sealed with a handshake, can lead to significant future expenses.

6. Get all the right information

Maintaining your documentation in an organized manner is crucial. Vital details like your registration, proof of insurance, and your insurance agent’s name and contact number should always be readily available in your vehicle. Make sure equivalent information is accessible for your family members and pets.

When initiating the information exchange process, limit the exchange to insurance and contact details. This precaution prevents you from inadvertently making statements that could have negative consequences later on.

Here is a checklist of the information you should collect for insurance claims:

  • Name, address, and phone number
  • Company name and policy number
  • Number of the license plate and the driver’s license
  • Vehicle type, color, and model

How to gather the information?

Take photos or videos of any damage to both vehicles, speak with witnesses, jot down your recollection of the events, or even record audio or video data. Keep a record of any injuries, road conditions, or any other factors that might have contributed to the accident. If you have a mobile device, consider using car insurance company mobile apps to document accident details.

Car insurance companies will require information about the accident’s circumstances, whether a police report was filed, the presence of witnesses, and any other pertinent details. If you own a smartphone, it’s helpful to download and install your insurer’s mobile app in advance to expedite the claims process. A robust mobile app can be valuable not only for documenting accident particulars but also for arranging services like tow trucks and rental cars through the app.

Depending on your policy, you may be eligible for roadside assistance, towing services, rental car coverage, and other services after an accident. Keep any invoices and medical records from the accident, as they may be necessary for future insurance claims or legal proceedings.

7. Start your car insurance claims process

Promptly contact your insurance company, as this can accelerate the claims process and enable you to access other services covered by your policy. While much of the claims procedure information can be found on your insurer’s website or mobile app, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification if anything is unclear. Familiarize yourself with the required documentation, such as a ‘proof of claim’ form, and be aware of filing deadlines and when you can expect to hear from your insurance provider.

After you file a claim, your insurance provider or the other driver’s insurer will likely want to assess the damage to your vehicle in order to prepare an estimate. If your car is still operational, you may be asked to visit a drive-in claims center, a collision repair shop affiliated with the insurance company, or utilize remote inspection tools like a smartphone app. During the pandemic, many insurance companies made efforts to enhance their virtual auto insurance claims process. Utilizing mobile technologies expedites the claim processing, allowing you to get back on the road more quickly.

What happens after you file for a claim?

Insurance adjusters will determine the compensation you’ll receive for either repairing your vehicle or replacing it if it’s deemed a total loss. Upon filing a claim, it’s essential to provide all the requested information to the insurer. Each insurance company’s adjusters will collect details about the accident and, based on the facts and state regulations, establish fault or the degree of responsibility for each driver involved in the collision.

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