Singapore Dollar to Peso Exchange Rates History

List of Singapore Dollar to Peso Exchange Rates

SINGAPORE DOLLAR TO PESO – Here is a compilation of the current and previous exchange rates between the SGD and the PHP.

Among the many different races across the globe, the Filipinos is one of those which is scattered in the different countries worldwide. Pinoys residing in countries abroad are due to various reasons.

Singapore Dollar to Peso

Most Filipinos fly abroad to work. One of the countries where there are a lot of Filipinos is Singapore. Undeniably, the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) in Singapore endure the longing to be with their families to earn big and give them a more comfortable life.

There is a huge chance that a Filipino worker will earn bigger in Singapore compared to working in the country due to the Singaporean Dollar to Peso exchange rate. Usually, one (1) SG Dollar to Peso yields at least Php 41.00.

Here is a Singapore Dollar to Peso Exchange Rates history based on the rate in each specific date:

Most often, the overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) abroad send a huge part of their monthly salary back to their families in the Philippines. These monthly remittance is often divided among the family members’ food and allowance and the payments for the utility bill, tuition fee, loans, etc.

OFWs are highly encouraged to save and launch a business as an overseas employment is not something that they can turn to until old-age comes. Meanwhile, the fact of having their children finish their studies plus with the option to take their preferred course is already one of the big fruits of the years of being away from their families.

Furthermore, like a lot of OFWs, it would be best for a Filipino working abroad to maintain a membership to the Government Service Insurance System, more popularly called GSIS, or the Social Security System or SSS. These are state-run social insurance agencies that offer retirement benefits like monthly pension.

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