List of CENOMAR Requirements in Making a Request
CENOMAR REQUIREMENTS – Here are the information needed in requesting for a Certificate of No Record of Marriage at the Philippine Statistics Authority.
The Philippine Statistics Office, more popularly called PSA, is the government agency that is in-charge for the registration of birth and death of the Filipino populace. Also, it is the body that releases important documents including the Certificate of No Record of Marriage or more popularly called CENOMAR.

The CENOMAR is also called the Certificate of Singleness. It is one of the documents that are needed in obtaining a Marriage License which is required in getting married. The said Certificate of Singleness is required whether you will be having a Church wedding or a civil wedding.
The Philippine Statistics Office has set different CENOMAR requirements, requirements for PSA birth certificate request, PSA Marriage Certificate requirements, and PSA Death Certificate requirements.

The Philippine Statistics Authority needs the personal information of the person who requests for his/her Certificate of No Marriage as the PSA CENOMAR requirements. Here are the data that you must provide to PSA:
- complete name of the person
- complete name of the father
- complete maiden name of the mother
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- complete name and address of the requesting party
- number of copies needed
- purpose of the certification
Both the groom-to-be and the bride-to-be must present their respective PSA CENOMARs in processing a Marriage License. Aside from the said documents, the couple must prepare the following documents in obtaining a license to get married in PH:
- Marriage license application form (issues by the LCR office)
- Certified True Copy of the PSA Birth Certificate of each of the couple (1 original and 2 photocopies)
- 2 valid IDs bearing applicant’s residential addresses
- recent ID photo of both applicants
- Community Tax Certificate or Cedula (1 original and 2 photocopies)
- Certificate of Attendance in a pre-marriage counseling, family planning, and responsible parenthood seminar
- Barangay Clearance (1 original and 1 photocopy)
In case any or both of the couple are between 18 to 21 years of age, an Affidavit of Parental Consent is needed. If either or both of the couple are between 21 to 25 years old, the couple must submit an Affidavit of Parental Advice.
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