Netizen Shares Cousin’s Amusing Decoration Using Hotdogs on Sticks

Netizen Brings Laughter Online After Sharing Cousin’s Amusing Decoration Using Hotdogs on Sticks

A lady netizen has shared her cousin’s amusing decoration using hotdogs on sticks “Napakagago ng pinsan ko”

A Twitter user jaichology has shared the photo amusing decoration created by her cousin using hotdogs on sticks. The post spread like a wildfire on social media and garnered various reactions from the online community.

The decoration was set during the joint celebration of her three pamangkins’ birthdays and her cousin’s homecoming. Jai’s cousin created an inventive twist on garden decoration, which caught the attention to onlookers.


Birthday ng 3 pamangkin ko and thanks giving ng pinsan ko na umuwi dito sa pinas. Actually, nakahiwalay yan kasi para sa mga kids lang yan kaya nakita ko agad,” Jai said.

To Jai’s surprise, the arrangement of skewers with hotdogs differed from the usual arrangement. Her cousin’s creative decision to put the skewers vertically on a banana tree added an unexpected and amusing twist to the garden décor.

Initially, she thought it was a newly planted tree, which left her puzzled as to why the “banana” seemed oddly positioned.

In another posts, a male netizen posts spaghetti w/ unsliced hotdogs “hindi tinipid pero tinamad”

“Honestly, di ko alam sa trip nung pinsan ko. pero feeling ko wala silang nahanap na puno ng saging na thick kasi kapag ganyan kapayat tutumba kapag pahiga yung style e,” she claimed.

The netizen busts out laughing because most skewers were set horizontally on a banana tree, but his relative positioned it vertically.

“Tawang tawa ako kasi ngayon lang sila gumawa ng ganyan. Madalas yung pahigang style e. Akala ko noong una bagong tanim namin. Nagtataka ako bakit nakapaso yung saging,” she added.

The social media users expressed their reactions to the post:


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