Guide on the Requirements for SSS Maternity Benefit Claim for Pregnant Member
REQUIREMENTS FOR SSS MATERNITY BENEFIT – Here are the qualifications in applying for a claim for this Social Security System benefit offer.
The Social Security System offers several regular benefits. For the female members of the state-run social insurance institution, they may qualify for an SSS Maternity Benefit on top of the regular benefits in times of pregnancy.

The benefit offer of the Social Security System does not only qualify pregnant members who are locally employed or self-employed. Pregnant overseas Filipino (OFW) members of the state-run social insurance institution may also qualify for the claim provided that the eligibility requirements are met.
Eligibility Requirements for SSS Maternity Benefit Claim:
To qualify for the claim, the pregnant SSS member must:
- have paid at least three (3) months of contributions within the 12-month period immediately before the semester of childbirth or emergency termination of pregnancy;
- if employed, the member must have notified the employer about the pregnancy; or
- if self-employed, separated from employment, or an OFW, the member must have notified the SSS about the pregnancy.

The pregnant member must notify the employer or the SSS at least 60 days from the date of the conception. The following are the documentary requirements for SSS Maternity Benefit claim:
- Maternity Notification Form
- proof of pregnancy (Ultrasound Report)
- UMID or SSS biometrics ID card or two (2) other valid IDs, both with signature and at least one (1) with photo and date of birth
Submit your documents to your employer or the SSS to notify the state institution about your pregnancy. Aside from this benefit offer, the social insurance institution also offers a benefit allowance for SSS members whose sickness or injury results to absence from work.
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