Rendon Labador to Mimiyuuuh: “Kung pangit ka ikaw talaga taga bayad”

Rendon Labador Reacts to Mimiyuuuh’s Recent Remarks About Not Dating Someone Without Money

The motivational speaker Rendon Labador reacts to Mimiyuuuh’s recent remarks not date a person without money.

In the realm of social media, opinions and statements often have the power to spark discussions and debates.

Recently, social media star Mimiyuuuh shared some advice with a netizen, suggesting that they should “never” date someone who has no money. “Never date someone na walang pera. It matters. Dapat kasi stable ka muna sa sarili mo bago ka magdagdag ng tao sa buhay mo,” the influencer said.

Rendon Labador

This statement garnered various reactions from the netizens including the public figure Rendon Labador.

Labador, known for his inspiring messages and positive outlook on life, shared his thoughts on Mimiyuuuh’s remarks. Labador expressed his disagreement with the notion that financial status should solely dictate one’s worth in a relationship.

He emphasized that true love and genuine connections are not based on material possessions or external appearances.

Rendon Labador

“Kung pangit ka iakw talaga taga bayad. Unfair yun kung pangit ka na nga tapos ililibre ka pa? Baka samp***n kita,” Labador wrote.

The motivational speaker explained that he will say what many people can’t.

While financial stability can play a role in a relationship, Labador encourages individuals to prioritize qualities that truly matter in the long run. He emphasizes the importance of mutual respect, trust, and emotional support as the foundations for a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

In the end, the value of a person should not be determined solely by their financial status or physical appearance but by the depth of their character and the love and respect they bring to a relationship.

The social media users expressed their reactions to the post:

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