PNP-ACG Warns Public Against “One Ring” Phone Scam

PNP-ACG Warns Against “One Ring” Phone Scam Modus Operandi

The Philippine National Police-Anti Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG) warned the public against “one ring” phone scam modus operandi.

The has issued a warning about yet another smartphone fraud. The PNP-ACG issued an advice on Monday, June 12, on their official Facebook page, warning the public about the ”one ring” phone scam, in which a fraudster calls you once and then hangs up.

“If your phone may ring once and then stop. If that happens to you and you do not recognize the number, do not return call. You may be the target of a `one ring phone scam’,” warned the PNP-ACG.

One Ring Phone Scam

The PNP-ACG exposed the ”one ring” phone scam’s operation. Autodialers are purportedly used by scammers to call several phone lines. The scammer will call the target phone number once and then swiftly disconnect. The person who was phoned by the scammer will receive a missed call notification, and the victim can call the caller back on their phone.

According to the PNP-ACG, if the victim calls the number that originally called his phone, he will be immediately linked to an automated message advising him not to hang up or he will be routed to a “premium-rate number.”

“There premium numbers charge exorbitant rates for every minute that the call is active, and the fees are typically hidden in the fine print of the scam,” said the PNP-ACG.

A victim may also receive a call from the scammer, who may pose himself as a representative of a bank or government organization in order to force the victim to submit sensitive information targeted by the syndicate, such as a credit card number or Social Security number. The PNP-ACG encouraged the public not to simply accept or answer calls from unknown phone numbers.

Before dialing a phone number, determine whether the area code is international. The PNP-ACG strongly advises the public not to accept calls, even if they appear to be authentic, in order to avoid falling victim to scammers.

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