Lady Netizen Warns Public About New Modus Using Perfume to Subdue Victims

Lady Netizen Exposes New Modus of a Group Using Perfume to Subdue Victims

NEW MODUS – A lady netizen has warned the public about the new modus operandi of a group to subdue their victims.

A Facebook user named Stephanie Jean has shared the screenshot of a message sent by her sister who nearly got victimized by a group using ‘perfume’. The post garnered various reactions from the netizens.

Stephanie’s younger sibling called her and shared an unsettling incident that occurred in Los Baños. Her sister visited a Mercury Drugstore (Olivarez) close to their school (UPLB) around 5 PM, where an older lady in her late 30s-40s approached her and asked if she could smell something.

Lady Netizen

After taking a whiff and confirming that it was okay, the lady abruptly vanished. Shortly after, two individuals who were likely with the older lady entered the store and began following the victim, making them feel unsafe.

Despite standing near the guard, the victim’s body began feeling numb after 30 minutes, and the two individuals stayed in the store, circling and watching her. Eventually, the young woman asked a friend to pick her up, and by 7:00 pm, she still felt drowsy and had lost feeling in half her body.

Jean expressed relief that her sibling had the presence of mind to remove herself from the situation. She speculated that the perfume could have been laced with a dangerous substance, raising concerns that it could be a ploy to rob, assault, or kidnap individuals.

Lady Netizen

The lady netizen urged everyone to stay alert, take precautions, and inform their loved ones of the incident.

The social media users expressed their reactions to the post:

Lady Netizen

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