Guide on Greek Gods Names & What They Mean
GREEK GODS NAMES – Here is a list of the names of the gods in Greek mythology and their ancient meanings.
Are you fond of reading Greek mythology books or watching Greek myth movies? It is a subject in some courses and many individuals have been hooked by this mythology.
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Do you want to name your baby son based on a god in Greek mythology? Here is a list of the Greek gods names and their ancient meanings based on Scary Mommy:
Greek Gods Names & their Ancient Meanings
- Poseidon – god of the sea
- Dionysus – crowd-pleaser
- Hermes – “pile of stones”
- Hephaestus – god of fire and forging
- Ares – god of war
- Apollo – god of literally everything
- Zeus – father of Greek gods and goddesses
- Achelous – god of the Achelous River
- Aeolus – god of the wind and king of the mythical island called Aiolia
- Aristaeus — minor god of animal husbandry, bee-keeping, and fruit trees
- Prometheus – “forethinker”
- Aether – the divine personification of the bright upper sky
- Agathodaemon – the “noble spirit,” a companion spirit of good fortune
- Alastor – god of family feuds and avenger of evil deeds
- Boreas — the ancient Grek god of the north wind
- Paean — the physician of the Olympian gods
- Castor — the demigod twin brother of Pollux
- Cerus — the divine personification of opportunity, luck, and favorable moments
- Chaos — also known as Erebus, the divine personification of darkness
- Charon — son of Chaos and Night who ferried souls over the Rivers Styx and Acheron
- Cronus — the leader of the first generation of Titans
- Dinlas — the god of hatred and also chaos
- Deimos — the divine personification of terror and dread
- Eros — the Greek god of carnal love
- Kratos — the divine personification of strength
- Priapus — minor rustic fertility god
- Helios — the sun god
- Hesperus — the divine personification of the evening star
- Hypnos — the divine personification of sleep
- Momus — the divine personification of satire and mockery
- Morpheus — the primordial Greek god of dreams
- Oceanus — the oldest Titan, father of 3000 stream spirits and 3000 ocean nymphs
- Pan — a fertility deity in, more or less, bestial form
- Pallas — the Titan god of battle and warcraft
- Phosphorus — the divine personification of the morning star
- Pontus — god of the deep sea
- Thanatos — minor god of death
- Triton — a merman, demigod of the sea
- Typhon — a Titan with power over the wind
- Zelus — god of dedication, emulation, jealousy, and zeal
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