Kryz Uy and Sevi Boo On What Happens w/o His Yaya

This is what happens when Sevi Boo is left with Kryz Uy without his yaya.

KRYZ UY – Mom-of-two boys and Skyfam momma Kryz Uy shares what she does if she’s left alone with her Sevi without his yaya’s help.

Skyfam’s Slater Young and Kryz Uy are models of modern parenting. They have two boys named Scottie and Sevi.

Through her social media platforms, we don’t just get to see what happens in their lives but we also get to pick up some tips and ideas about parenting. Krys has always been generous in sharing her experiences and how to correct the mistakes she did when she became a first-time mother.

She always shares tips useful not just for moms but also for dads.

And just recently, in her new video, she shared how her random day with Sevi Boo went without his yaya. Accordingly, his yaya is going to be home for several days, and spending time with Sevi doesn’t mind her at all.

Between her two boys, she admits that she gets to spend more time with Sevi but this is because he is still a little baby. Scottie, her toddler, on the other hand, requires lesser attention as he now knows what to do and how to play by himself.

Her day without a yaya just went by normally. The only difference is that she has to carry him around wherever she should go as she got no one to leave him.

She also met a small problem during his meal time. Sevi tends to lose his appetite whenever she’s just around because all he wanted to do when he sees her is to play.

Check out the video below:


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