John Arcilla Apologizes To Erik Matti After Gaslighting Issue

John Arcilla said he does not intend to gaslight Erik Matti

Award-winning actor John Arcilla apologized to Erik Matti after the seasoned director called him out after his “gaslighting” messages.

To recall, Direk Erik expressed dismay that the actor did not mention him and the movie title in his post thanking the Senate for recognizing him for winning The Volpi Cup at the 78th Venice International Film Festival.

After that, John shared a series of posts thanking the director and mentioning the movie On The Job: The Missing 8. However, this did not make Direk Erik’s rant stop. The director once again called out John Arcilla for gaslighting him in his private messages.

john arcilla erik matti
📷: @johnarcilla IG

The film was mentioned in the senate televised. Then it was on the news that night. So it is already common knowledge that the Volpi cup is On the Job the Missing 8, Erik Matti and me, and long before even the Senate Resolution was made,” he said.

The actor also pointed out that his first post was intended to thank the Senators for the recognition that he received. Then, John said sorry to the director for his private messages.

“And I apologized to you at once @erikmatti on my text personally. I even said “mea culpa” even if the plan was to have a three day installation of posts, that could easily be mistaken as an alibi now,” the actor said in his post.

He added that his second post was supposed to be for gift givers and the last post is about the resolution itself. “And that means we and the film are all mentioned in the Resolution and definitely everything will be on the caption,” the actor stressed.

John added that he did not post these reasons at first because he wanted to let things sink in first but what he expected did not happen.

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