Toni Fowler-Jelai Andres Issue Reignites After Claiming She Was More Beautiful Than Her

Toni Fowler Claims She Was More Beautiful Than Jelai Andres

Toni Fowler-Jelai Andres issue reignited online after claiming that she was more beautiful than the latter.

The conflict between the popular social media influencers; Toni Fowler and Jelai Andres has been brought up again after Toni claimed to be more attractive than Jelai.

In an interview, members of the press inquired about Toni’s previous dispute with Jelai in 2019. At that time, Jelai accused Toni of being the third party in her former husband Jon ‘King Badger’ Gutierrez’s life. This issue became a hot topic in the Philippines in 2019.

Toni Fowler-Jelai Andres
Jelai Andres

During the interview, Toni acknowledged that she made a mistake by engaging in a relationship with Jon. However, she refuted the notion that Jon was interested in her because she resembled Jelai.

In response to Toni’s recent comments, some netizens defended Jelai, claiming that Jon’s original wife was more beautiful. Conversely, some of Toni’s supporters shared old photos of both Jelai and Toni to highlight their differences.

Mas maganda naman ako kay Jelai,” Fowler said.

Toni Fowler-Jelai Andres
Toni Fowler

It was rumored that both Jelai and Toni underwent cosmetic enhancements to improve their appearance. Nevertheless, some of Jelai’s fans denied these claims.

Toni Fowler-Jelai Andres Toni Fowler-Jelai Andres

The social media users expressed their reactions to the post:

“Natural Beauty without RETOKE is the most beautiful. Always remember that.”

“Pareho silang retokada. Mas maganda pa si Toni kay Jelai talaga noon pa miski walang retoke kasi makinis maputi at matangos ilong na talaga si Toni.

“Wala talaga siyang retoke absolutely do you know why ipin lang pina ayos niya at nag pa glow up lang siya dahil nag mature na siya,

As of now, Jelai has yet to respond to Toni’s remarks.

What can you say about this issue? Just feel free to leave your comments and reactions to this article.

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