Is this the reply of Victor Consunji to this post of Maggie Wilson?
VICTOR CONSUNJI – After announcing the split, Victor Consunji and Maggie Wilson’s relationship became messy.
Former beauty queen Maggie Wilson and business tycoon Victor Consunji were formerly married. However, last year in September, the two of them issued a statement announcing their separation after 11 years of being together.

They said in the statement:
“We will always love and support each other no matter what. We will always be family as we share our beautiful son, Connor, together. We have remained really good friends and partners and will continue to do so. Both of us want nothing more than for each other to be happy.”
However, things didn’t turn out that way. Many issues were raised and situations publicized resulted haywire. There were charges filed and on social media, they’ve had this exchange of intriguing “parinigan” which the public has feasted on in the past months.
And in a previous article, one post from Maggie caught funny reactions from people online.
Maggie said, “If you can’t get a woman to bow down to you and crawl then just file tons of cases against her. Only weak men fear strong women,” which was tailed with the hashtag #small[eggplant]issues.

The controversial hashtags of his post were: #EasyToFeelSmallInSuchABigCave; #YouKnowThisPlaceIsNextToABeach; #AllICanSayIsThisBeachHasAHugeCave; and #ThisCaveMustBeRoyalty

To recall, the beauty queen-actress and her estranged husband previously have a squabble over the rented property of the former. It has garnered public attention. But this was not the first time that they have been at odds with one another. There have been several and each had made a loud buzz online.
- Maggie Wilson on Victor Consunji’s ‘Living My Best Life’ Post
- Maggie Wilson Shares How She Deals w/ Negativity
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