Message of Pres. Bongbong Marcos on Commemoration of Eid’l Adha
PRESIDENT BONGBONG MARCOS – The Philippine President released a message on the commemoration of the Muslim event Eid’l Adha.
Today is a regular holiday throughout the Philippines for the commemoration of the Muslim event Eid’l Adha. The said Muslim Feast of Sacrifice recalls the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismael following the order of Allah.
Philippine President Bongbong Marcos released one of his very first statements on national events as he gave a message on the commemoration of Eid’l Adha. It is only a little more than a week ago when Marcos Jr. assumed office.
In his message for the commemoration of the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice, Marcos Jr. stressed that the occasion is telling people to go out of their comfort zones and pursue the path that they have chosen as he cited the start of a new administration in the country.

Based on a report on ABS-CBN News, President Bongbong Marcos further stated that the journey ahead of the Filipino people will not be easy but there will be fruits for fighting “for what is right” and valuing love for fellowmen. He stated that surrendering one’s wants and worries to Allah for the greater good will be heard and given.
“The journey ahead of us will not be easy, but if we fight for what is right and predicate our every action on our love for our fellowmen and women, our people will surely benefit from the results of our individual choices,” the President stated in his message.
Marcos Jr. expressed his hope that as Filipinos join hands to achieve common goals, the chains of differences and divisiveness will be broken and the Philippines will rise as a strong united country.
Currently, the Pres. Marcos is in isolation after he tested positive for COVID-19 anew. The 64-year-old Chief Executive is experiencing a mild fever.
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