These are the five functions of communication! Check it out below!
FUNCTIONS OF COMMUNICATION – A brief discussion about the five different purposes or the basic functions of communication.
Communication is a special skill that a person learns through codes, symbols, and systems of language. It is a way of creating, interpreting, and negotiating meaning. Communication can be in the forms of verbal, nonverbal, textual, aural, visual, and physical. It also has three main types – verbal, non-verbal, and visual.

Communication happens to start from the sender to the receiver. The whole process of it is composed of various elements such as sender, ideas, encoding, communication channel, receiver, decoding, and feedback.
With the definition, types, and process of communication being said, what are its basic functions? Communicating has five basic functions or its purposes. They are regulation or control, social interaction, motivation, information, and emotional expression.
Here’s a brief discussion about each function:
- REGULATION/CONTROL – the type that is used to control the huma behavior ranging from simple requests to law imposed in a country or a large territory.
Among its basic forms include a doctor’s prescription, the instructions of a parent to a child, a friend giving advice, scolding, an employer giving orders to the employees, and others.
- SOCIAL INTERACTION – this is the type where a person socialize and interact with other people.
The basic forms are:
– Invitations
– Greetings
– Appreciations
– Encouragement
– Marriage proposals
- MOTIVATION – this purpose refers to the language being used when someone expresses his desires, needs, wants, likes and dislikes,inclinations, choices, and aspirations.
- INFORMATION – the one that is used when one is providing an information about something or someone particular. This can work in two ways – giving and getting – through rhetorical questions and using imperatives.
- EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION – a fundamental mechanism where emotions are expressed to provide response or fulfillment of social needs. One may exhibit love, fear, anger, joy,hope, or many other emotions.
- Nature Of Communication – Elements, Process, and Models Of Communication
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