Duterte Warns Unvaccinated Persons w/ Arrest if…

Pres. Duterte Speaks on Strengthening Fight Vs. COVID-19 Pandemic

DUTERTE – Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte issued a warning for unvaccinated individuals amid the tightening of curbs.

The Philippines is heightening the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Currently, the whole Metro Manila is back under Alert Level 3 following the increase in the daily cases in several cities. Local government units are implementing stricter curbs including the implementation of curfew.

The government continues to encourage the public to get vaccinated as a huge part of the populace is still unvaxxed. Undeniably, many are still hesitant to get the vaccines. On the category of healthcare workers, many of them have already received their booster shots. Many of them are happy that they get added protection amid the ongoing pandemic.

The national government is planning to hold a seniors national vaccination day as many of the senior citizens in the country have yet to be vaccinated. In Metro Manila, the mayors agreed to temporarily implement restrictions on the movements of the unvaxxed individuals unless for essential purposes.

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Photo lifted from NPR

The policy in Metro Manila that limits the movements of the unvaccinated individuals gained positive reactions from several key officials in the government. They even proposed to implement it nationwide.

As for President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, based on a report on ABS-CBN News, the 76-year-old President gave orders to village captains to look for the unvaxxed individuals in their areas and order them to “stay put” in their houses. According to the Chief Executive, if an unvaccinated person disobeys the order and goes around the community, he can be arrested.

Some barangay officials are moving to implement the order of the President stressing they now can do it because of the go signal from the executive department. The establishments’ cooperation is also sought in the move to fight the spread of the virus.

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