Female Teenager Diagnosed w/ Sleeping Beauty Syndrome Sleeps For Days & Even For Over a Week
A female teenager has been sleeping for days and could even sleep for a week and eventually diagnosed with “Sleeping Beauty” syndrome.
The medical experts advises the public to sleep at least eight hours per day in order to maintain the optimum health of the body. Having a sufficient amount of sleep could boost the immune system and prevent diseases.
However, a 16-year-old lady from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia has been dubbed as “Sleeping Beauty” for falling a deep-sleep for days. The young girl has been experiencing it since she was 13.
The teenager girl identified as Siti Raisa Miranda started falling into deep-sleep when she was 13. Her parents try to shake her and wake her up but she could not wake up. She has been brought to the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) for checkup.
At first, the doctors said that Siti has ‘epilepsy’. Raisa is just like other kids who plays with her friends and attend classed when she is awake. The syndrome usually place her under a deep-sleep up to eight days straight.
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Miranda is not experiencing seizures and other symptoms but she only sleeps for a long period of time. Her parents usually fail to wake her up and she rarely completes a meal before falling back to sleep.
The woman’s parents are worrying that Raisa won’t be able to live a normal life. As of now, there is no specific treatment for her Kleine-Levine syndrome or known as ‘Sleeping Beauty’ syndrome.
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