Jelai Andres Speaks About “Kabit” Of Jon Gutierrez In Q&A Vlog

In a recent Q&A vlog, Jelai Andres speaks about the latest cheating issue of her husband Jon Gutierrez.

JELAI ANDRES – With the recent cheating issues of the husband of Jelai Andres, the famous vlogger speaks in her recent vlog about it.

It’s no secret years ago that Jon Gutierrez, also known as King Badger, got into a controversial third-party issue involving a fellow internet star Toni Fowler. In a live video, his wife Jelai Andres revealed their affair and even exposed some explicit videos they have exchanged through messaging on social media. It has also been noted that the cheating took place just months after they got married.

And for the second time around, he did it again just in time when Jelai has already forgiven him and already gave him a second chance. In a recent vlog from Jelai, she revealed that they are actually together again but then such an unfortunate incident got unraveled which once again hindered the supposed continuation of their love story as a husband and wife.

In the video she recently uploaded to her channel, she was asked about filing an annulment but she zipped her mouth about the matter. She tightens her lip and refused such a personal topic to be talked about but in some questions, she would randomly fire words against her husband and his woman. Accordingly, the same woman is someone they greeted years ago. Meanwhile, there are certain articles online that stated internet star Yumi Garcia is the girl King Badger is having an affair with.–h-ph/

The reason why decided to give him a chance is the essence of being a family and of their vows whend they got married. She believes that being with someone comes along sacrifices, acceptance, and making compromises. What happened to her now might be painful but staying to be optimistic, she’s excited of what’s ahead of her in the next chapter of her life.

Watch the full vlog below:


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