Significance of Easter Sunday Celebration for Christians
EASTER SUNDAY – After the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God rose from death and returned to the people.
Christians are currently observing the Holy Week. Usually, there are a lot of activities in the Church during the Holy Thursday and the Good Friday. The former is a commemoration of the Last Supper or the Passover meal. It is the last meal that Jesus Christ had with his Disciples. It established the Eucharist – the bread and wine as the body and blood of the the Son of God.
During the Good Friday, Christians commemorate the sufferings and death of the Lord Jesus Christ from His arrest. The faithful observe fasting and abstinence as part of sharing in the sufferings of the Son of God to redeem the people from the bondage of sin.
On Black Saturday, the Christians commemorate the lying of Jesus’ body in the tomb. He descended into the dead and rose again after three (3) days. It marks the end of the Holy Week.

The rising of Jesus Christ from the dead, the fulfillment of the mission to free the people from sings, is celebrated on Easter Sunday. It is the Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon and for this year, it falls on April 4, 2021. It is a commemoration of the resurrection of the Son of God from the dead.
Based on Crosswalk, Easter Sunday marks the fulfillment of the prophecy that the Son of God will rise from the dead on the third day since he was died on the cross – (Isaiah 53). It is a reminder of the living hope that people can overcome sin with the love of God.
Many families celebrate the Easter together – attending mass in the church, eating together, and some attend Easter events. There are times that the Church organize Easter Egg Hunting events as part of the celebration of the rising of the Son of God.
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