What Is Sans? Definition And Usage Of This Term

What Is Sans? Definition And Usage Of This Term

WHAT IS SANS – In this topic, we are going to know and learn the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.



The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:

  • without

Meanwhile, the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines this term as the following:

  • without
  • sans-serif


Here are some of the following synonyms:

  1. absent
  2. minus
  3. wanting
  4. without
  5. innocent
  6. bare
  7. vacant
  8. void
  9. barren
  10. needed
  11. denuded
  12. bereft
  13. destitute
  14. inadequate
  15. flawed
  16. can’t cut it
  17. impaired
  18. coming up short
  19. short
  20. not hacking it
  21. Needing


It is a Middle English term which is from the Old French term sanz, which is from a variant of Latin sine  or ‘without’, which is influenced by Latin absentia.


Here are some examples of the usage of this term:

  • Four of us, sans Martha, shared a bottle of bourbon with Quinn drinking two for each of ours.
  • With Pumpkin’s unpaid-for accommodations now available, only one other incoming guest was sans quarters.
  • He tried to mediate between his brother Philip the Bold of Burgundy and his nephew Louis, duke of Orleans, and later between John “sans Peur” of Burgundy and Orleans.
  • The French word, except in such phrases as Dieu merci, sans merci, is principally used in the sense of “thanks,” and is seen in the old English expression “gramercy,” i.e.

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