Modern Face Mask w/ Microphone & Built-in Amplifier Circulates Online
FACE MASK – The modern face mask is now containing a microphone and built-in amplifier, which introduces safety and technology.
Nowadays, face mask has been very important to every person in the world to protect themselves from the threat of deadly coronavirus disease. Wearing of face mask in public places is now required.
The health authorities required them public to wear face masks whenever they go outside their house. It aims to prevent the virus transmission and to protect the public from the threat of the coronavirus disease.

Recently, a modern face mask consisting microphone and built-in amplifier has been introduced the public. The personal protective gear has been designed by a gaming equipment maker who combined health safety and technology.
The microphone and built-in amplifier has been installed to clarify the user’s voice. The fashionable mask is waterproof and also contains medical grade respirators that filter around 95 percent of airborne particles.
Read Also: DENR Reminds Public to Dispose Face Masks & Face Shields Properly

The hi-tech face protector is rechargeable through its case, which has the ability to disinfect objects using its UV lights.
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