Julia Roberts Had Crazy Requirements Before Guest Starring In Friends

Julia Roberts Had Crazy Requirements Before Her Cameo In Friends

JULIA ROBERTS – Before agreeing to guest star in the beloved ‘Friends’ series, Julia Roberts had some crazy requirements.

According to one of the co-creators of the series, Matthew Perry, the actor playing Chandler had to write a paper on Quantum Physics. Surely, Julia Roberts, being one of the biggest stars in Hollywood, was worth the trouble.

In an interview with Hollywood Reporter, Kevin Bright joined his fellow creators to celebrate the 25th anniversary of “The One After the Superbowl” episode. Here, Julia Roberts plays Chandler’s former schoolmate. During the interview, Bright said:

Do you know the story of how we got [Julia Roberts]? Matthew [Perry, one of the stars] asked her to be on the show,” Bright said. “She wrote back to him, ‘Write me a paper on quantum physics and I’ll do it.’ My understanding is that Matthew went away and wrote a paper and faxed it to her the next day.

Julia Roberts Had Crazy Requirements Before Guest Starring In Friends
Image from: Bustle

In addition, fellow co-creator Marta Kauffman recalled how exciting it was to work with Julia Roberts. In the same interview, she said:

“We knew she would have the right touch for it, and when she said yes, it was pretty awesome”.

Meanwhile, Alexa Junge, one of the show’s main writers said Roberts was already interested in Perry “from afar”. She explained the actress had her sights on Perry as he was “so charming”.

There was a lot of flirting over faxing…She was giving him these questionnaires like, ‘Why should I go out with you?’ And everyone in the writers room helped him explain to her why.“, Junge said.

Following the episode, Perry and Roberts dated for a brief period. Unfortunately, they went and saw other people shortly after.

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