Delphinus Constellation | Constellations In The Northern Hemisphere
DELPHINUS CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the constellation Delphinus, the Dolphin.

It is a constellation in the northern sky. It means “the dolphin” in Latin and is represented by the dolphin sent by the sea god Poseidon to find Amphitrite, a Nereid which the sea god wanted to marry. The constellation is associated with the story of Arion, a Greek poet and musician who was saved by dolphins.
In the Poseidon story, the sea god sent a dolphin as his messenger to the Nereid Amhitrite. The dolphin found the nymph, soothed her and brought her back to the god.
In the Arion story, the dolphin saved the poet from the sailors who plotted to kill him and take the money. Arion asked them to let him sing one last song, which drew several dolphins to the ship. One of the dolphins saved him and carried him all the way back to Greece.
It is also one of the smallest constellations in the sky, which is recognizable for the diamond-shaped pattern formed by its brightest stars, known as Job’s Coffin. The constellation houses the globular clusters NGC 6934 and NGC 7006, and the planetary nebulae NGC 6891 and the Blue Flash Nebula.
It is the 69th largest constellation which occupies an area of 804 square degrees. It lies in NQ4, the fourth quadrant of the northern hemisphere. It belongs to the Heavenly Waters family, along with Carina, Columba, Equuleus, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela.
Among the stars include:
- Aldulfin
- Delta Delphini
- Gamma Delphini
- Musica
- Rho Aquilae
- Rotanev
- Shama
- Sualocin
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