Here’s the list of trending 2020 words and what they mean.
2020 WORDS – Words and terminologies that became famous and trending this year of 2020 and the meaning that these words hold.
People are really creative in nature. They get to see the deeper meaning in everything and to some, creating humor from it. And for this with a lot of things that has happened, many terms were coined and many slang words trended whereby just hearing it, you can instantly it’s “so 2020”.

And so, before we reach the end of 2020, look back to some of the famous words coined and became a trend this year:
- Doomscrolling. Scrolling in social media seeing bad news after another. Do we even deserve all these bad news?
- Lockdown. Being the “word of the year”, this word isbasically just how it’s called and everyone has went through this.
- Dalgona Coffee. The famous drink of instant coffee whipped up creating a thick outcome put above the milk.
- Pambahay. The “new normal” OOTD such as duster, sando or T-shirt, and shorts of everyone this 2020 as we’ve been in long periods of lockdown.
- Plantitas/Plantitos. What made people be productive amid the lockdown is planting plants.
- Social distancing. A basic safety protocol anywhere. A joke surfaced before then that we avoided negative people in 2019 and in 2020, we avoided those who are positive.
- New Normal. The word which indicated a change in almost everything.
- PPE. Also called personal protective equipment which also became a fashion statement this year.
- WFH. Or Work From Home set up of many employees for their safety.
- Maskne. A term coined to call pimples and acne that develops as a result of wearing of N95 or cloth mask most of the time.
- Quarantine and chill. The terms that replaced “Netflix and chill” as most of us got stuck inside our homes for several weeks and months to some.
- Quarantine 15. This stands for the 15 pound possible weight gain of a person for staying at home.
- Zoom. Everyone surely knows this – one of the channels we have to make communication as effective as possible to other people without compromising safety.
- Semi-formal. There’s a joke behind this where someone would wear formal on top and just a short or underwear in the bottom.
- Zoombie. A term called to people who uses Zoom too much.
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