Health Officials Announce COVID-19 Vaccination Cards Required When Getting Vaccines
COVID-19 VACCINATION CARDS REQUIRED – Health officials announced a new requirement for those who want to get treated with the new coronavirus vaccine.
Recently, Pfizer and BioNTech had their COVID-19 candidate approved in the United Kingdom. Following this, their vaccine is set to be released to the public in the next weeks.
Meanwhile, the Department of Defense also released the first images of the COVID-19 vaccination cards and kits yesterday. According to Dr. Kelly Moor, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, the cards are the simplest way of tracking the vaccine shots.

Based on an article from CNN, Moore said:
Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due…
Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.
Furthermore, the COVID-19 vaccine kits include a card, needle, and a syringe with alcohol wipes, and face masks. Also, Operation Warp Speed has 100 million vaccine kits available for disbursement if and when the distribution of a coronavirus vaccine starts.
As per the article, 100 million Americans could be vaccinated for COVID-19 come February next year. However, it may take longer for lower-income countries to receive such a vaccine.
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