What Is Enlist? Definition And Usage Of This Term

What Is Enlist? Definition And Usage Of This Term

WHAT IS ENLIST – In this topic, we will first know the definition of this term and how is this term used in sentences.



The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as the following:

  • enroll or be enrolled in the armed services
  • engage (a person or their help or support).

On the other hand, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines this term as the following:

  • to secure the support and aid of
  • employ in advancing an interest
  • to win over
  • to engage (a person) for duty in the armed forces
  • to enroll oneself in the armed forces
  • to participate heartily (as in a cause, drive, or crusade)


Here are some of the following synonyms of this term:

  • join up
  • join
  • enroll in
  • sign up for
  • volunteer for
  • obtain
  • engage
  • win
  • get
  • procure


The term is a mid 16th century term which is formally known as inlist. It is a combination of the terms en– or in-, and list. This is akin to the Dutch term inlijsten or ‘put on a list’.

  • He even made a generous, though unsuccessful, endeavour to enlist the support of Cicero.
  • He sought the courts of Tuscany and Naples and tried to enlist Frank sympathies, inventing (probably) the curious myth, so often credited since, that the Druses are of crusading origin and owe their name to the counts of Dreux.1 1 Sophisticated Druses still sometimes claim connexion with Rosicrucians, and a special relation to Scottish freemasons.
  • Evidently. I’m wondering why you don’t enlist help.
  • No portion of the regular army of the Netherlands is allowed to be sent on colonial service, but individual soldiers are at liberty to enlist, by permission of their commanding officers, in the army of Netherlands India, and they form its nucleus.

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