Southern Constellations – Constellations In The Southern Hemisphere

Southern Constellations – Constellations In The Southern Hemisphere

SOUTHERN CONSTELLATIONS – In this topic, we are going to know and identify the constellations in the Southern Hemisphere.

As mentioned, they are defined as those in the Southern celestial hemisphere which is found south of the celestial equator.

Like their northern kin, they were visible to Greeks and are mostly associated with Greek myths. there are also those which date back to earlier times.

These constellations include the Bayer Family, which was introduced by German uranographer Johann Bayer in 1603; as well as the Lacaille family, which was introduced by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1756


Like the north, the southern hemisphere is divided into four quadrants: SQ1, SQ2, SQ3, and SQ4. Here are the following constellations:

READ ALSO: Northern Constellations – Constellations In The Northern Hemisphere

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