Apus Constellation | Constellations In The Southern Hemisphere
APUS CONSTELLATION – In this topic, we are going to know and learn about the southern constellation Apus, the Bird of Paradise.
Apus is located in the southern hemisphere. It represents the Bird of Paradise. Its name comes from the Greek word apous, which means “footless” as birds of paradise were believed to lack feet.
It was originally named Paradysvogel Apis Indica. Paradysvogel means “the bird of paradise” in Dutch, and Apis Indica is Latin for “Indian bee.”
The constellation was created by Dutch astronomer and cartographer Petrus Plancius. It is home to the globular clusters NGC 6101 and IC 4499 and the galaxies IC 4633 and IC 4635.
It is the 67th of the largest constellations and occupies an area of about 206 square degrees. It lies in SQ3, the third quadrant of the southern hemisphere.
Apus belongs to the Johann Bayer family, along with Chamaeleon, Dorado, Grus, Hydrus, Indus, Musca, Pavo, Phoenix, Tucana, and Volans.
Among the stars include:
- Alpha Apodis | α Apodis
- Beta Apodis | β Apodis
- Delta Apodis | δ Apodis
- Epsilon Apodis | ε Apodis
- Eta Apodis | η Apodis
- Gamma Apodis | γ Apodis
- IC 4499
- Kappa Apodis | κ Apodis
- NGC 6101
- Zeta Apodis | ζ Apodis
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