A Painter Can Finish Painting A House In 30 Days – Step By Step Solution

A Painter Can Finish Painting A House In 30 Days Algebra Solution

PAINTER ALGEBRA PROBLEM – Here is the step-by-step solution to the problem that goes “A painter can finish painting a house in 30 days, if he has been painting for 24 days , what percent of the painting job has not completed yet?

The solution to the painter problem is simple. First, we know that the painter can finish his job in 30 days. That means, 30 days would be the 100% completion mark for his work.

With that in mind, we also know that he has been painting for a total of 24 days. Now, what we need to do is figure out what percent of painting job isn’t complete yet. To do this, we simply subtract the total number of days days from the completed days.

A Painter Can Finish Painting A House In 30 Days – Step By Step Solution
Image from: Architecture and Design Studio

So, 30 days – 24 days = 6 days. Afterward, we need to get the percentage of 6 days. We do this by dividing the remaining days (6) with the total number of days (30). Therefore, 6/30 = 0.2 x (100%) = 20%.

In conclusion, the remaining percent of the unfinished painting is 20%.

You could also do this by dividing 24 days from 30 days. This would result to 0.8, then multiply that by 100% to see the amount of work already done which would be 80%. Afterward, you just subtract that from 100% to get the remaining unfinished work which is 20%.

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