PH Has Fastest Growing COVID-19 Cases, Año Says Country Is Doing Ok

WHO Says PH Has Fastest Growing COVID-19 Cases, Sec. Año Says Otherwise

PH FASTEST GROWING COVID-19 CASES – Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) said the Philippines has the fastest-growing coronavirus cases.

However, Interior Secretary Eduardo Año believes the Philippines has been doing fine in their COVID-19 response. He explained that the numbers would definitely spike due to the country’s improvement in coronavirus testings.

READ: World Health Organization Warning To Philippines About Coronavirus

PH Has Fastest Growing COVID-19 Cases, Año Says Country Is Doing Ok
Image from: ABC

According to an article from GMA, Año stated:

Yes, as we increased our testing capacities, actually we expected that more positive will turn out but if we will look at the positivity rate, we are about five to six percent positivity rate, our target is to go to around three percent and probably one percent

Furthermore, Año said that comparing the Philippine’s COVID-19 response to Singapore was unfair.

Singapore is a very small country, small population. If we look at per population of 100,000, they have about 41 per 100,000. We have about seven point something per 100,000… So we are still doing okay even way below global average

However, comparable countries such as Vietnam who had a lower GDP than the Philippines around the same population and landmass were lauded for their coronavirus response.

Meanwhile, Año also boasted that if the Philippines didn’t implement quarantine measures the number of infections would’ve grown to at least three million. Along with this, he said that the number of deaths caused by the virus would climb to 100,000.

We are doing good compared to other countries like the United States, Brazil.

For her part, Vice President Leni Robredo said that the Philippines should not be compared to countries with poor COVID-19 responses. Instead, Robredo said the Philippines should compare themselves to those with excellent coronavirus plans.

READ ALSO: Trillanes Wants Leni Robredo To Lead COVID19 IATF, Palace React

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