A Panda Got Tired Of Isolation And Escapes Zoo Enclosure
PANDA ESCAPES ZOO – As Humans are forced inside by the coronavirus pandemic, some Panda’s have been on lockdown their entire lives.
Pandas are one of the most vulnerable creatures on the planet. Due to deforestation and illegal poaching, their numbers have seen a massive decline over the years. As such, Panda’s are now often seen in reserves and zoos such as the Copenhagen Zoo.
The zoo houses a 6-year-old male panda named Xing Er. The giant panda was a gift as a part of China’s “Panda Diplomacy” program. This practice dates back to the Tang dynasty where empires would give pandas as diplomatic gifts.

Due to being tired of his own isolation from the world, the giant panda made a dramatic escape from his enclosure. According to an article from the Daily Sabah, zoo spokesman Bengt Holst said the panda was spotted “leaving his enclosure, slipping under an electric fence”.
Following this, Holst said zoo staff are now making changes to security around Er’s enclosure to make sure it doesn’t happen again. He said the Zoo staff reacted fast and efficiently as the panda was sedated with a harmless dart.
The moment Xing Er was returned to the enclosure, he was given an antidote and woke up a few minutes later. Xing Er and his mate Mao Sun arrived in Denmark in April 2019 on loan from the Chengdu, China.
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