Indonesia Minister: “Virus is like your wife”, Remark Slammed Online

“Virus is like your wife’ remarks of this Indonesia Minister amid pandemic slammed online.

INDONESIA MINISTER – A minister of Indonesia has compared the virus to a rebellious wife which was slammed online by several woman’s groups.

“The other day I got a meme from my colleague… that says: Corona is like your wife. Initially you tried to control it, then you realise that you can’t. Then you learn to live with it.”

Indonesia Minister

The statement above was said by security minister Mohammad Mahfud MD on Tuesday comparing the coronavirus to a wife. It was just apparently a joke but it didn’t suit well to a lot of people. This statement was made during an online address which happened earlier this week.

According to his critics and responses from various woman’s group, the remarks made was sexist. Women’s Solidarity Society said in their statement that such comment is not just a reflection of the governments incompetence in battle against COVID-19 but it was also underscored the sexist and the misogynistic attitudes of public officials.

It furthered that such kinds of jokes objectifying women will just “normalise the culture of violence against women”. And as of Friday, the minister’s office has not yet released any official statement about it as per The Federal’s article.

Indonesia has now 25,216 cases of COVID-19 with 1,520 deaths and 6,492 recoveries as per Worldometers. Meanwhile, those violate rules and health protocols in Indonesia, as per Inquirer, were publicly shamed, forced to recite Koran verses, and stay in “haunted” house as punishment. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is pandemic as declared by World Health Organization (WHO).


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