Philippines Joining Taiwan And Institutes In China For Clinical Trials Of Coronavirus Vaccines
PHILIPPINES JOINING TAIWAN – According to the Philippines coronavirus task force, the country is joining Taiwanese and Chinese institutions in the development of a coronavirus vaccine.
Currently, there are over 100 potential coronavirus vaccines being developed. One of these vaccine was Remdesivir which was shown to be ineffective during its initial human trials.
However, adenovirus type 5 vectored COVID-19 or Ad5-nCoV, showed promising results during its human trials. According to the researchers of the study, the vaccine was found safe and effective throughout the patients that joined.
Meanwhile, the Philippine Inter-Agency Task Force on COVID-19 approved the participation of Filipinos on human trials of coronavirus vaccines. Moreover, the Philippines would be partnered with Taiwan’s Adimmune Corp. and Academia Sinca.
Along with them, China’s Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health under the Chinese Academy of Science and tthe National Pharmaceutical Group’s in Wuhan and Beijing’s institute of biological products would also join the study.
Based on a report from Focus Taiwan, the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) would also create a technical working group to communicate with the Department of Health (DOH). Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM), and the World Health Organization (WHO) would also join this group.
Furthermore, the Inter-Agency task force also supported DOST’s proposal to create a Virology Science and Technology Institute within New Clark City. Along with this, the DOST also plans to revive it’s Pharmaceutical Development Unit and rename it to the Tuklas Center for the Pharmaceutical Development.
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