Food Panda Rider Eats Sardines for Lunch After Delivering Delicious Foods To Clients
The heartbreaking photos of a Food Panda rider eating sardines on his meal after delivering delicious foods to his customers.
Nowadays, food delivery service is one of the most popular businesses not only in the Philippines but also in different countries all around the world. The service aims to give a more comfortable and convenient life for their clients.
Delivery employees are doing their very best and enduring the hardships of their work just to give good quality service to the customers. However, some of them are not earning good enough to provide the necessities of their family.
Recently, the Facebook page “LTO alert 143 Bacolod” has shared the post of Reneboi Caudillosa showing a Food Panda rider eating rice and “555 Sardines” during his meal. The photos garnered various reactions from the online community.
In the photos, it can be seen that the delivery man is peacefully eating his meal (rice and sardines). The employee is delivering delicious foods to his customers but he can barely eat those types of foods due to poverty.
Caudillosa also lauded the Food Panda employee for his dedication to his work amid the enhanced community quarantine.
Here are some of the comments:
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Read Also: Food Panda Rider Continue to Deliver Food After He Got Into Accident