80 Violators From Shut-Down Barangay In Tondo District, Manila Arrested
TONDO DISTRICT – About 80 individuals from Barangay 20 in Tondo district, Manila who violated protocol have been nabbed by officials amid the total shutdown in the area.

The Manila Public Information Office said on 8 AM Wednesay that about 80 were caught violating the shutdown order in the said barangay, according to a report from ABS-CBn News.
The order was implemented by Manila City Mayor Isko Moreno after reports were received that there was a boxing and bingo event in the said area,
Police Lt. Col. Magno Gallora Jr., chief of Manila Police District Station 2 reported that the arrested were taken to the Tondo Sports Complex and will be released on Wednesday evening.
About 150 policemen and soldiers were on watch and stationed at all entry points in Barangay 20, also known as the Parola Compound. the village is home to more than 40,000 individuals.
As per the report, not less then 21 residents in that area are set to be taken to a quarantine facility after they were recognized as suspected cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
The total shutdown in the barangay will last till 8 PM this day.
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