A new virus emerged in China, the Hantavirus, amid coronavirus global crisis.
HANTAVIRUS – Amid the terrifying pace of the coronavirus, another type of virus emerged in China and here’s what you need to know about this.
Diseases like swine flu and bird flu have caused trouble to some countries but globally affecting many areas and have become pandemic already is the Coronavirus Disease 2019 or also known as COVID-19. This virus, as much as we are all aware of, has been discovered in China and attacks the respiratory system. It has flu-like symptoms but could be severe in some cases.
However, amid the world battling COVID, another virus which first emerged from China again has been reported and it is called the Hantavirus as per previous article. There were reports that this virus killed a man in China which spread panic as we are all not over yet with the novel coronavirus.
However, according to India Times, this is not a new virus. Accordingly, the man was from Yunna Province and died on his way back to Shandong Province. He tested positive of the virus which has been affecting humans for decades already and people who were with him in the bus also underwent testing.
What is Hantavirus?
- United States’s National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) says that this includes more than 21 species.
- This type of virus is spread mainly of rodents and can caused various diseases.
- United State’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that ‘New World’ hantaviruses in America can cause hantavirus pulmonary syndrome [HPS]. While the ‘Old World’ hantaviruses causes hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome [HFRS]. The old one is mostly in Europe and Asia.
- Anyone who is with rats or mice around them with the said virus will likely to have HPS. And this is gotten when they breath it in. This is possible if the rodent’s urine and droppings carrying the virus mixes with air.
- A person can be infected if he touched a mouse’s urine, droppings, or nesting that has the virus.
- People with HPS will suffer these symptoms: fever, severe muscle ache, and fatigue. Few day after, he or she will have difficulty in breathing and some will experience headaches, dizziness, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain.
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