Chinese Woman Repeatedly Spitting Inside Bus Arrested

Chinese Woman Arrested After Repeatedly Spitting Inside Public Transport

OFFICIAL ARRESTS CHINESE WOMAN – The Department of Disaster Prevention and mitigation arrested a Chinese woman following repeatedly spitting.

Amid the coronavirus Pandemic, health authorities imposed several countermeasures to contain the virus. Among these are social distancing and common etiquette in dispelling bodily fluids when coughing, sneezing, and spitting.

However, one individual potentially risked the lives of many for having her own “spitting spree” inside public transportation.

Chinese Woman Repeatedly Spitting Inside Bus Arrested
Image from: National Thailand

According to a report from National Thailand, a Chinese woman was arrested by authorities after being allegedly found repeatedly spitting inside a bus.

She rode the bus from Bangkok on the way to Saraburi. Afterward, she rode a train en route to Bangkok and started spitting again.

The woman wandered inside the vehicle and spat on different spots. Naturally, this caused worry and concern among passengers, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.

When the bus arrived at its designated terminal, Public health officials attempted to test her for COVID-19. However, she refused to comply. Moreover, she added that she would only be staying for a few days and walked away.

Following this, the woman was spotted a second time on a train to Bangkok. At this point, authorities decided to arrest the woman after receiving the same complaints.

But, during the arrest, the woman resisted and tried to spit on the officials. Afterward, they pinned her to the ground and forcibly shut her mouth.

As per the report, the woman was placed under quarantine yesterday night and was tested for COVID-19 in the morning. There, she was found negative for the virus.

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