Pangasinan Under State Of Calamity Due To COVID-19

Pangasinan Placed Under State Of Calamity To Instesify Fight VS COVID-19

STATE OF CALAMITY – The province of Pangasinan has geared-up and intensified efforts against COVID-19.

It could be recalled that due to the rising trend in COVID-19 cases, President Rodrigo Duterte imposed an enhanced community quarantine in Luzon. Moreover, travel restrictions and curfews were imposed.

Pangasinan Under State Of Calamity Due To COVID-19
Image from: Province Of Pangasinan

As such, the province was placed under a State of Calamity to protect and safeguards its residents’ health and safety. According to the province’s official website, the provincial board passed Provincial Resolution No. 766-2020.

This enforced the declaration of a state of calamity in the province following a special session on March 18. The resolution stated:

The province of Pangasinan also has to adopt measures to implement the guidelines for the imposition of the enhanced community quarantine over the entire Luzon and for the management of the COVID-19 such as, but not limited to, the provision for food and essential health services, work from home arrangements for the provincial government employees to ensure a skeletal workforce, the influx of people coming from areas in the country infected by COVID-19 and other essential concerns

Recently, the Department of Health reported an additional 13 new COVID-19 cases in the Philippines. With this, the total number of cases in the country had reached 230.

In addition, the DOH noted that there is one (1) additional death. In lieu of this, the coronavirus death toll now reached 18 and there are eight (8) patients of the disease who have already recovered.

Currently, there are over 246,577 cases of COVID-19 worldwide. Along with this, more than 10,050 have succumbed to the virus. However, 88,486 have already recovered.

Like this article? READ ALSO: DOH Confirms 13 New Coronavirus Cases in the Philippines

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