Davao Vice Mayor Baste Duterte Shows Coronavirus Symptoms, Now Considered PUM
BASTE DUTERTE – Davao City Vice Mayor Sebastian Duterte is now monitored after showing symptoms of the 2019 novel coronavirus.
Philippines is one of the nations hit by the 2019 novel coronavirus or COVID-19. Currently, there is a total of 142 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the coutry.
According to the Department of Health (DOH), they have recorded twelve (12) deaths due to coronavirus in the country. The deceased died during the treatment and some had underlying conditions.
Currently, there are several people monitored due to possible coronavirus infection. Some of them had contacts with the confirmed cases while others got travel history abroad.
An update about coronavirus in the Philippines recently crossed the surface. Based on a report on GMA News, presidential son and Davao City Vice Mayor Baste Duterte is now monitored after showing symptoms of COVID-19.
Her elder sister, Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte, revealed that the Davao City Vice Mayor has fever, sore throat, and cough according to Dobol B report. He is now under a home quarantine and is monitored by a doctor.
Based on the report, Baste was in Manila four (4) weeks ago. Most confirmed cases of coronavirus in the country are in Metro Manila.
Despite showing symptoms, the President Son did not test for coronavirus. Mayor Sara told him that the testing kits are limited and it is best for it to be allotted for those with severe symptoms of COVID-19.
As of this writing, there are still no further information regarding his condition. More updates may be posted soon.
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