Why Is The Sky Blue? Answer To This Question About The Sky

Why Is The Sky Blue? Answer To This Question About The Sky

WHY IS THE SKY BLUE – In this topic, we are going to know the answer to the question regarding the reason why the sky is blue.

Image from: LonelyMoon

Previously, we learned the reason why the sky change color during sunrise and sunset.

Basically, this is due to the scattering phenomenon, where it is caused by molecules and particles redirect light rays.

During sunrise and sunset, the sun is low on the horizon, hence, more molecules scatter the light are away from our sights, giving the red, orange and yellow color to the sky.


The reason why it changes color during the sunset and sunrise is also the reason of the blue color: scattering.

Again, this is mentioned by Steven Ackerman, a professor of meteorology at UW-Madison, which was written in an article by ScienceDaily.

As mentioned above, the scattering details can only be determined through the light’s wavelength and the size of the particle.

The colors that have short wavelengths are the colors blue and violet. These colors are scattered more by air molecules more than other colors, thus, the reason why blue is present during the day.

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