Jimuel Pacquiao Stand to Loving Someone who is Poor, Average, or Rich

Jimuel Pacquiao stand on loving someone.

JIMUEL PACQUIAO – Manny Pacquiao’s son, Jimuel, answers questions about dating prospects and other things asked by his fans.

As we all know, Jimuel Pacquiao’s father, Manny Pacquiao, is among the wealthiest personalities in the country and we’re not talking about just millions – it BILLIONS! Technically, that make Jimuel rich as well and the life they have now is all because of their father’s hard work just to provide a good life for them.


In a vlog update, Jimuel answered questions from his fans to which some asked him over dating someone. One interesting question stated there if he would date a single mom or an older woman. He would date an older woman as long as the age difference is not that big and having nothing against single mothers, dating one is not just on his preference.

Also, he is open to dating a fan. He said, “Let’s say I meet her and we become really close and I catch feelings for her then why not?”


And now, when asked if he sees himself loving someone poor or average, here is his solid answer: “To me love doesn’t really choose. Like if you fall in love with a girl like poor, or average, or rich, it doesn’t really matter. For example, a rich girl can fall in love with a poor guy. If I fall in love with a girl that’s not really on the same status in life then that’d be okay since we’re in love. It doesn’t really matter.”

He was asked more and more questions below such how was it being that rich, his relationship with his grandmother, if he is still a virgin or not, his future plans, and among others.

Watch below:

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