Sarah-Matteo Wedding: Couple’s counselor reveals what Mommy Divine did

Relationship counselor revealed what Mommy Divine did after the Sarah-Matteo wedding

Sarah-Matteo Wedding — Relationship counselor Letty Fuentes of Sarah Geronimo and Matteo Guidicelli revealed what Mommy Divine did after the wedding.

Fuentes corrected some speculations regarding what happened on the night of February 20 at the Victory Church in Taguig. Following the new revelations, she also shared what happened after the wedding ceremony.

Sarah Matteo wedding Mommy Divine
Photo credit: PEP

During an interview with entertainment reporter MJ Felipe, Fuentes said that Sarah was really dressed up and looking so happy. “Matteo was crying. Matteo really loves her so much. [Sarah was] happy, parang nakawala. I have never seen her so confident that day,” the counselor shared.

It was also said that the family of Matteo was present during the wedding ceremony and some of their co-members in the church, including Fuentes. Regarding the commotion that happened, the counselor also said that the husband of Sarah did not punch her bodyguard Jerry Tamara.

ashmatt rumored wedding
Photo credit: @ashmatt_love IG

The claim of the bodyguard was also belied by a celebrity handler, previously. Fuentes said that Matteo also did not have a gun with him at that time contrary to what she read in some reports.

Furthermore, Fuentes shared that she talked to Mommy Divine “many times” regarding the wedding plans of the couple. “What will you do, if the two pursue,” she asked the mother of Sarah. The counselor said that the Mommy Divine’s was, “basta daw hindi niya tatanggapin.”

Fuentes also shared that Mommy Divine has been swaying her to advise Sarah to stay away from Matteo. When the mother of the Popstar Princess arrived at the venue of their wedding, a commotion happened as she was not in favor of it.

According to Fuentes, Mommy Divine was really shouting angrily and wanted to slap Matteo. She even showed the bruise that she got during the commotion.

Behind the hardships that the couple went through for their love, Fuentes said that she witnessed their happiness during their wedding. “Nagbibiruan nga sila dun sa rites, “Akin ka na!” Si Matteo naman, “Finally, she’s mine”,” she shared.

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READ ALSO: New Revelations About Sarah Geronimo-Matteo Guidicelli Wedding

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