Rainbow Trees In The Philippines & Where To Get Them!

Beautiful Rainbow Trees In The Philippines & Where To Get Them

RAINBOW TREES IN THE PHILIPPINES – The Philippines prides itself on being one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world.

Rainbow Trees In The Philippines & Where To Get Them!
Image from: Daily Liberal

The country is also home to a tree that sports a myriad of colors from the usual brown to reddish hues, the “Bagras”, or the Eucalyptus deglupta, or better known as the Rainbow Eucalyptus.

This particular type of tree highlights its beautiful spectrum of colors with a magnificent streaked pattern that makes it look like a rainbow.

Rainbow Trees In The Philippines & Where To Get Them!
Image from: Charismatic Planet

According to an article from Elite readers, this type of tree can grow fast, up to five feet every season and could reach a whopping 250 feet with a diameter of 6 feet. In addition, it also needs a lot of sunlight with a temperature not lower than 10 degrees Celcius.

So, if where you’re living is particularly cold, you may want to place it indoors inside a container with proper drainage.

Where can you get your hands on a Rainbow Tree?

In the Philippines, there are several places where you could get Bagras. This tree could usually be found in the rainforests of Mindanao. It is also native to countries such as Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

Rainbow Trees In The Philippines & Where To Get Them!
Image from: Reddit

However, you could also see this tree being cultivated in Hawaii and areas in the United States such as California, Florida, and Texas.

Also, you could get your hands on seedlings for this tree from an agriculture shop called Darfield Agri – Pinoy Enterprise, which offers a large array of your agriculture-related needs.

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