Taal Victims: Heartbreaking Situation Of Families In Evacuation Centers

Heartbreaking Situation Of Taal Victims In Evacuation Centers

TAAL VICTIMS – A netizen appealed to provide more assistance to Taal victims amid volcano unrest.

The volcano island called Taal erupted on January 12, 2020. It is considered as one of the most picturesque and attractive volcanos but is also the most active and deadliest volcano in the Philippines.

Thousands of families and individuals were forced to leave their homes after it spews ash and continuous earthquakes. Most of them abandoned their horses and other farm animals. Days after the eruption, desperate residents ignored the dangers and returned to the island to rescue animals via boats.

Taal Volcano
Photo Source: Time

A few days after the heavy ashfall, Taal volcano calmed down. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said the volcano is still ‘life-threatening.’ The agency warned the evacuees not to return to their homes.

In a previous article, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte declared the island as ‘no man’s land.’ The villagers have no choice but to obey the orders of the governments. Most of them said they are ready to leave the island for good.

Photo Source: The New York Times

A Facebook user named Robert Solis shared a couple of photos of the situation of the evacuees at evacuation centers. Most of them found refuge in covered courts. They share relief goods from donations from the government and non-government organizations.

Surely, their fellowmen gave them what they need but there is no assurance that they still have anything to return to when they get home.

In the caption, the netizen appealed for your support to provide more assistance to the families displaced by Taal volcanic eruption.

“Ganito po ang estado ng bawat evacuation centers na napupuntahan namin kaya po sana ay makahingi kami ng tulong sainyo para sa donasyon na bukal sainyong kalooban. Ika nga ee mas maigi ng tayo ang tumulong kesa tayo ang tutulungan.”

Here are the photos:

Photo Source: @Robert Solis FB
Photo Source: @Robert Solis FB
Photo Source: @Robert Solis FB

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