Maid In Kuwait Missing Organs According To NBI Autopsy Report

Maid Who Died In Kuwait Missing Internal Organs – NBI Autopsy Report

MAID IN KUWAIT MISSING ORGANS – According to the autopsy report of the National Bureau of Investigation, Jeanelyn Villavende, the OFW who died in Kuwait was missing internal organs.

Maid In Kuwait Missing Organs According To NBI Autopsy Report
Image from: CNN

Villavende’s body arrived in the country last week. Following this, Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra stated the NBI discovered evidence that before being killed, the Pinay OFW was raped.

In addition to this, her brain, heart, and other internal organs were also missing. There were also signs that Villavende suffered multiple, severe traumatic injuries and genitalia injuries.

Based on an article from Inquirer, the victim’s head was “roughly cut”. Adding to this, her skull was stuffed with five pieces of blood-soaked cloth. There was also one piece of used surgical gloves.

Image from: Inquirer News

The NBI also highlighted that her stomach and pancreas went missing. However, the NBI stated that the missing body parts could be due to previously made autopsies as indicated by several autopsy incisions.

Meanwhile, Guevarra said the Philippine government failed to receive a copy of the autopsy report done in Kuwait. But, reports in Kuwait indicated that it was already complete.

The autopsy results from Kuwait and the NBI are essentially the same. They have the same cause of death, Villavende was mauled to death. It is just that the NBI came out with other findings that were not seen in the Kuwaiti report. But the cause of death was the same due to trauma, injury due to infliction of injuries to the body

Guevarra also added that are still waiting for the finalization of the laboratory results on Villavende.

Following this, Guevarra said that although the autopsy report is factual, they could not conclusively say that she was raped or sodomized without the laboratory results.

However, due to lacerations in the genitalia region, Guevarra said it was indications of sodomy.

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