Two Thieves In Las Piñas Arrested In Two Separate Incidents
LAS PIÑAS – Two men in the city of Las Piñas were arrested in two separate incidents for robbing a Chinese store.

According to ABS-CBN, a man, identified as Jaime Ursua, aged 30 years, was arrested with the help of a CCTV footage that showed him robbing a Chinese grocery store in Alabang-Zapote road sa Barangay Almanza Uno.
Ursua testified that he was urged by his friends to initiate a hold-up in order to have something to spend for his family for the upcoming New Year.
Some of his possessions retrieved include a sharp weapon, cellphone, and one sachet of illegal drugs. As for the ₱10,000 worth of cash that was stolen from a Chinese national, it was never retrieved. The police are currently looking for his other companion.
Based on the report, in another incident, a 25 year old Gervin Altarejos was arrested on Sunday night for robbing at a Chinese food delivery store.
Thanks to yet again, a CCTV footage, Altajeros was found riding a motorcycle with his two companions.
Some of his possessions retrieved include 4 cellphone, 1 gold necklace, personal items, and the reduced cash that should have been worth ₱25, 000.
Altarejos testified that he did it out of revenge to the Chinese food delivery owner. He worked as a delivery rider in the said store but was given a minimum rage and was allegedly treated poorly by the owner.
Both suspects will be charged for robbery, with Ursua being charged more for the weapon and illegal drugs.
What do you think? How will you react to this? Let us know more about it.
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