A certain “Jays Daiz” lambasted over offensive remarks to teachers following Raffy Tulfo issue.
RAFFY TULFO ISSUE – This offensive post with foul remarks from Jays Daiz went viral, thus, lambasted online for cursing teachers and their profession.
They say being a teacher is a very noble job. You create and mold a person who can change the world and the future. You create doctors, nurses, engineers, architects, artists, and among other professions. However, after the issue that have erupted from Raffy Tulfo easily telling one teacher to quit and give up her license just because of the disciplinary action she has done to a child who committed a misconduct reported to his program, this instantly became a national issue.

At such, what was done was pure humiliation. With this, a certain Jays Daiz, however, says otherwise to what was most people are fighting for siding with the teacher who’s been in the service for 29 years. According to the controversial post of Daiz, he would do the same if it was done to his child. And it does not end there.
Throwing more of his foul remarks, Daiz added some words cursing the teachers to just do their jobs for they are just “palamon” because they are compensated from the tax of the people and his tax. He even added this statements that has probably offended many, “Don’t act like you’re doing such a noble job being a teacher when we know that you stay in that profession because that’s all that you’re good at.”
Read full post below:

Check out how some people lambasted his foul remarks against the people who are in the teaching field:
“Being a taxpayer doesn’t give you any right to badmouth other people.”
How weird for this guy to humiliate all the teachers in our country when he is also (well according to him) a graduate of the SAME field!
How much tax do your really pay to have the guts of belittling teachers?
Read more below:

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It is futile to debate with People like Jayz Daiz. He has the same feather as the grandmother and parents of the alledged child abuse victim. People like them, including the false idol of many netizens, should be rehabilitated, re-educated, and taught GMRC. It is best to stay away from egocentric people like them. Only GOD can change their hearts. “God grant us the serenity to accept things or people we cannot change, the courage to change things/people we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”